  ♦ Pastor Harbuziuk was the main speaker at the opening services of the newly organized Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Church of Saskatoon, Canada, on the weekend of March 8 and 9, 1952. The services were held at the Ukrainian Bible Institute and were led brother James Hominuke, director of the institute. In addition, at 7:30 a.m. Sunday, Rev. Harbuziuk spoke on the local radio program.

  ♦ Rev. Harbuziuk attended the 100th anniversary celebration of the Ukrainian Baptist movement, which was held in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada from May 29 to June 1, 1952.

  ♦ Rev. Harbuziuk was the main speaker at the annual conference of the Western Canada Ukrainian Baptist Association, which was held in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on July 3-5, 1964.

 ♦  On February 24-25, 1968, Rev. Harbuziuk spoke during three services, which included the ordination of Ilarion Tarasiuk.

  ♦ He attended the annual conference of the Eastern Canada association June 22-23, 1968 in Toronto, although the main speaker was Rev. Michael Tesluk, president of the Western UEBC in the USA.
  ♦ He spoke at a women's program at the Toronto church on Dec. 1, 1968.
 ♦ He participated in executive committee meetings of the Western Canadian Ukrainian Baptist Association in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on November 7-9, 1969. On Sunday, he preached at the Ukrainian Baptist Church in Winnipeg.

  ♦ The main speaker at the 25th annual conference of the Ukrainian Baptist Association of Eastern Canada, which was held May 20-22, 1977 in Niagara Falls, was Rev. Harbuziuk, president of the All-Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Fellowship.
  ♦ Rev. Harbuziuk preached at the 26th annual conference of the Ukrainian Baptist Association of Eastern Canada in May 1978.

  ♦ Rev. Harbuziuk attended the Eastern Canada Ukrainian Baptist Association's 30th conference in May 28-30, 1982, in Toronto.

  ♦ Attending the Eastern Canada conference on May 27-29, 1983 in Toronto from Chicago were Pastor Harbuziuk, church council chairman Anton Kocepula, Miss Louise Puchek and the family of Michael and Maria Puczek.
  ♦ Rev. Harbuziuk attended the annual conference of the Ukrainian Baptist Association of Western Canada in Winnipeg in July 1983.
   ♦ He attended the World Congress of Free Ukrainians in Toronto, Canada, in December 1983. During the opening session, Rev. Harbuziuk greeted the congress on behalf of the All-Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Fellowship.
  ♦ Rev. and Mrs. Harbuziuk, accompanied by Mrs. Helen Kosachuk of St. Joseph, Michigan, attended a conference in eastern Canada in May 1984.
  ♦ Rev. and Mrs. Harbuziuk and daughter Elizabeth attended the 5th Youth Congress, which was held at the Ukrainian Bible Camp from July 22 to 29, 1984. 

  ♦ Pastor Harbuziuk attended meetings December 8, 1984 in Hamilton, Canada, along with Rev. John Polischuk and Mrs. Nina Wozny. On the way back to Chicago, they stopped in Detroit to fellowship with believers there.

  ♦ Rev. Harbuziuk spoke at the 35th annual conference of the Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Association of Eastern Canada, which was held May 29-31, 1987 in Toronto.

  ♦ Pastor Harbuziuk participated in the ordination ceremony for James Grant at the Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Church in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, on June 7, 1987. He also served as the evangelist for revival meetings June 3-7.

  ♦ Rev. Harbuziuk taught seminars and preached at the 6th conference of pastors and members of the All-Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Fellowship that was held July 26 to August 2, 1987 at the Ukrainian Bible Centre in Canada. He also baptized three persons in Pigeon Lake on Saturday.

  ♦ Rev. Harbuziuk spoke at funeral services for his close friend Michael Podworniak on May 31 and June 1, 1994 at the Ukrainian Baptist Church in Winnipeg, Canada. Also attending from Chicago was Mr. Anton Kocepula.

Rev. Olexa Harbuziuk (second from left) poses with some brothers and sisters in Christ in Winnipeg, Canada, in July 1972, probably at a church conference. 

Rev. Harbuziuk, president of the Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Convention in the USA, speaks in Winnipeg, Canada in 1968. (Thanks to Emily Waniuk for providing this photo.)

Rev. Harbuziuk traveled to Canada frequently, especially to the Ukrainian Bible Camp  (Українська Біблійна Оселя) near Peterborough, Ontario, which he visited almost every year in the 1980s and early 1990s.

Trips to Canada

Rev. olexa  Harbuziuk Legacy

Пастор олекса Романович Гарбузюк

After the governing board of the Ukrainian Bible Centre in Canada is introduced, the Rev. Olexa Harbuziuk prepares to offer a prayer of blessing in 1981. Behind Rev. Harbuziuk is the centre's founder and director, Brother Bohdan Slobodian (in dark suit). At far left is Rev. Volodymyr Domashovetz. At far right is poet, author and editor Michael Podworniak. (Thanks to Emily Waniuk for providing the photo)

The Western Canada executive committee meets in Winnipeg on Nov. 7-9, 1969, with Rev. Olexa Harbuziuk as an invited guest. From left are Mykola Romanec, Bill Tkachuk, Mrs. Kurka, Fred Lawryniuk, Rev. Harbuziuk, Michael Podworniak, John Muzyka, ?Mr Tkachenko?, Rev. Peter Kindrat, Rev. Alex Piatocha and Rev. Mykola Brych. (Thanks to John Podworniak for providing the photo and to Anne Melnyk for providing the identifications.)